This is my new backpack pattern that just shipped this week, which means it will be in stores next week and on the website soon after.
They did a great job with the photography, but I'm sad they didn't show the pretty fabric I used to line these with. But I can.
I took lots of photos while sewing these bags and will share some sewing tips with you in one or two future blogs.
NOW ... I've waiting for more people to answer my Right hand/ Left hand survey before reporting back, but I'm tired of waiting any more.
But first ... something from my sister, Christine, a right handed person.
When I set up the three Left/Right questions I hypothesized that there would be a larger number of left handed people in the group of people who sew than in the percentage of lefties in the general public, which is 10%. And that is what my results show, but I have to say, I wonder if I got a self selecting set who answered the questions ... and the group was small, only 85!
But, it is still interesting.
For the test the required people to actually use their right and left hand on the computer moving the curser to different dots, 78% answered right hand and 22% left.
For the test with 10 questions about what hand or side of the body you used to do different things, people answered 70% right and 30% left. I'm guessing that people who sew, whether left or right handed, have to use both hands and so are more ambidextrous.
And, for the questions about how people would categorize themselves 74% described themselves as right handed with 44% saying they used their right hand for pretty much everything. So, that leaves 26% lefties. But, only 8% identifying as pure left handers.
Thank you all 85 who answered. And for those of you who didn't, I understand really. I am always suspicious of answering things on line. But, I think Polldaddy is a trustworthy site.