I asked Laura, at Simplicity, to make sure all the Costumes were there no later than Thursday, so when I arrived on Friday I could start fitting all my volunteer models which I had scheduled to start at 4 pm.
Well, things started to go bad at the airport. It turned out that my airplane didn't just need air in its tires, like the gate attendant first said, but actually needed completely new tires. SO, I arrived late to the hotel at 3:30. But, I thought still in time to fit models.
But, when I arrived, I was immediately told the costumes were NOT there!!!!!!! I keep forgetting that Canada is really another country and for security reasons, apparently, packages cannot be delivered to a hotel if you (a foreigner) are not checked in. Wished I would have known that in advance, I could have had the boxes addressed to one of the Canadians running this year's event.
But, Phil Brown, the head Ninja (the name for a stage hand who keeps things running smoothly back stage during the competitions and at other times) whisked me a away to FedEx. They had already made 3 attempts and said they would make no more. It was rush hour in Toronto and the usually 10-15 minute drive was going to be much longer. I started to try and text my models to reschedule fittings, but my US cell phone was not happy in Canada. Most of my texting and calling attempts were not getting through. I basically had zero reception. But a call from Betsy (my boss from Simplicity) DID come through. She had arrived with me, but was staying at the hotel while I was on my way to FedEx. She had just gotten a call from Laura, at Simplicity in New York, that the boxes were back on the truck on their way to the hotel for a 4th delivery attempt!! ... not expected. So, I wanted to call the hotel or FedEx to confirm, but my phone wasn't working and Phil (who was driving, a Canadian) in his haste to get going had left his phone back at the hotel. So, I we ended up going all the way to the FedEx office. We spent some time there while they were trying to figure out where these boxes were.
End of LONG story, the boxes finally were delivered to the hotel. Phil and I got back there around 5:30. I was able to fit most of the models then. Betsy wisely ordered us a couple burgers to eat in our room. But, while I was fitting the last two models, one got a call asking where I was. I was scheduled to judge that night but didn't know the judging was supposed to start so early. I was still in blue jeans with no make-up looking horrible and exhausted.
But, know I love you all!