The pattern for Misses 6 - 22 is #3723.
And the Plus size is #2354 and it comes in 18W - 32W.
Each line is a separate link that will take you to Simplicity's site.
Even though it's a child size dress, everything I'm doing will work for any of the sizes.
To make this dress you will need:
* Black fabric for the upper bodice and sleeves
* Teal fabric for the lower bodice and skirt
* Fusible interfacing for the lower bodice pieces and the collar
* Flexible braid for upper and lower edge of the lower bodice (about 1/2" wide)
* 3 or 4 different colors of broadcloth for skirt motifs
* Paper backed fusible webbing (Wonder Under or Heat'n'Bond)
* OH ... and a zipper!
Now as far a quantities of each, you can either over estimate using the back of the pattern envelope as a guide, which is what I did and now I have a bunch of extra fabric or, if you have time, the smart thing to do is make all the pattern changes and then do a trial layout before going shopping to figure out how much fabric and trims you actually need.
So, first, take the front and back bodice pieces.
I usually use poster paper when I make a pattern, but I bought some gift wrapping type white tissue at Target and it is pretty sturdy AND it is really easy to see through, so that is what I am using this time.
If this is being made for a grown woman, you should probably pin the bust dart when trying on this paper pattern.
The pattern pieces are now ready for cutting the fabric.
From the black fabric: collar, front upper bodice, back upper bodice and sleeves.
From the teal fabric: lower front bodice, lower back bodice and all the skirt pieces.
From the fusible interfacing: the collar, lower front bodice and lower back bodice.
Tomorrow I will put ALL the motifs on the front bodice and skirt.
Wednesday I will sew and finish the dress.
Thursday I will show you how to cut the cape and ...
Friday I will sew the cape and make the crown.