By now all the pieces should have all the motifs in place. But to catch up ...
Read blog #1 about cutting here.
And blog #2 about applying the motifs.
Pin and sew the neckline to both layers of the collar all at once.
This is probably a good time to remove all those machine basting lines used to evenly place all the motifs. To do this, pull out the back side of the stitching and then clip all the loose threads on the front around the motif pieces.
NOTE ABOUT SKIRT ... The movie version of this dress has more of a flared skirt and not so many gathers. I almost sewed a bunch of darts to make it less full at the waist, but decided to leave this dress with the skirt as is. I do plan to taper in the skirt on Anna's winter dress, when I make that in a week or so.
Apply the gold braid over the lapped join in the bodice and over the waist seam.
So the dress is finished now ... on to the cape tomorrow!