The photo above show's my hands sewing on hooks and eyes. I always quadruple my thread when I do this for strength. Learned that when sewing in the professional costume shops in New York.
But ... I'm skipping ahead. Yesterday I had reached the point of fitting my pants. They fit a bit to loose for my taste, so I took in both side seams about 3/16" of an inch which makes about 3/4" total and about 3/4" in the back seam tapering to nothing at the crotch, for another 1 1/2" in the waist.
I graded and clipped the seams and under stitched the facing around the waist.
Isn't it weird ... when I started this, I though my crotch measurement was really, really long, but taking out the extra fabric in the crotch is what finally made me like the fit of these pants.
Well, I've marked all my changes on my pattern for the next pair, which I will share with you. Don't know when that will be, though.