I used Simplicity 4080 (the Kimono pattern) for my Final Fantasy XIV character. The top is a Summer festival item called "Redfly Yukata." Some alterations were made to match design elements from the concept artwork and game models.
Her stencil/painting work is really fine.
Cool mask! What's the name of the character, AJ?
It is made by Tarisa Walker (aka Fire Lily Cosplay - www.facebook.com/cosplayfirelily )
Seaking Kimono (Pokemon) - Simplicity 4080 for the kimono. "I used a red cotton for the kimono base, and a white cotton for the sleeves that I dyed red and bleach gradated the ends to a peachy color. I also used white cotton for the bottom of the sleeves and kimono body and satin stitched it onto the red base. The colored circles are cut from cotton and Heat 'n Bonded on. The obi is ice blue cotton and is wrapped over an obi-ita for support. The bow and tail are separate and slip into the obi using a wire base, much like the pre-tied obi you can buy. I wanted to try and made this costume as close to an authentic kimono as possible, but still keeping it reasonable to put on."

Red Queen - Made using Simplicity 4092 for the dress, Simplicity 3635 for the corset underneath, and Simplicity 3637 for the sleeves. "The Red Queen (based on an illustration by CrimsonCobwebs from DeviantArt). I had to alter this costume somewhat to get the correct proportions and to accommodate fabric. I found a lovely burgundy taffeta embroidered with red swirls, but when I received the fabric order, the red swirls were the same color as the fabric. In order to remedy this, there are over 19,000 rhinestones hand-glued onto this costume!! All the red swirls = Rhinestones!
I made the corset using a French 1700s style pattern from Simplicity to get the correct silhouette. The dress is a mish-mash of styles in keeping with the illustration. I opted for a mini skirt (to save myself from a never-ending bout of rhinestone gluing) over a petticoat with a bustled train on the back. I added white thigh high stockings with maroon and white heart ribbon garters, and 5 inch red velvet heels with ruffles and heart ribbon closure."

Comments by Elizabeth
Princess Peach and Princess Daisy from Super Mario Bros.
This were quickly made to wear once (hence why I didn't care that I kind of messed up the bottom of Daisy's dress, which is why it looks weird at the bottom with the hoop skirt). The end plan for them was to destroy them and make post apocalyptic versions. I've attached photos of both.
(attached photo of both is from Photography by Amie E., one of just Peach by a friend)