Simplicity has been using artwork for some of the newer patterns instead of all photography recently, so I thought you might like to see my actual samples, albeit badly displayed on my dress form at home.
These are the photographs I took for my own records. Alas, before I started taking lots of photos for potential blogging.
I always try to find whatever accessories that will be needed to complete a costume for photography, but they found better wings for the red costume AND, I totally forgot, they eliminated one. There used to be a Tinkerbelle type pixie.
Editing ... I mentioned this a few months ago when talking about a new pillow pattern that had just be published. Patterns get edited, same as books. There might have been too many pattern pieces or too much instruction writing required, or they thought it looked fine with 4 views and 5 was just getting to be too many.
I usually never know why. Once it goes to New York, it's out of my hands.