A lot of comments on my blog posts are written on my Facebook Page. So, if you are interested you can check that out, too.
Everyone loves and supports their LOCAL INDEPENDENT STORES.
In the Washington DC area, we have several branches of G-Street and there is Sarah Fabrics in Langley Park, MD. I mentioned these in the blog last week. (Aug. 7th)
I've tried to put hot links on all the places mentioned.

This place is huge. It's hard to describe how big it is. They also sell on line.
That is where I bought all the fabrics for my Tudor costume.
Sari stores were mentioned as a good place to find fabric. A lovely garment can be made out of a length of fabric intended for a sari.
I'm sure many other large cities have good fabric stores, but I'm just listing the ones I heard about this time.
We all depend on our chain store. I talked about Hancock and Joann's but didn't mention Hobby Lobby, because I didn't know I had one near me. Well ... I just found out there are TWO! Each about 30 minutes from my house. They were endorsed for having good satins. I will be checking them out for my next Simplicity project.
I got a really good tip for ordering fabrics from chain store websites. Anything available on their websites can be ordered from one of their stores. If you do this, no shipping is charged and your local store gets the credit. Such a good idea. I will do this.
I was, also, told not to forget Walmart. I used to go to Walmart fairly often, but stopped when they took the fabrics out of their stores, but I understand it's back.
Can anyone tell me how fabric in Walmart stores is doing???
I already talked about Fabric.com, Fashion Fabrics Warehouse, eQuilter, Renaissance Fabrics and Quiltshops.com in Aug. 7th's blog.
Here are some additional sources from readers
fabrics-store.com - specializes in Linen
Thai Silks - for ... well ... silks
Silk Baron - really good for dupioni
Dharma Trading - for excellent natural fiber fabrics and dyes
And I was told to not forget ebay and etsy.
Thank you everyone. I certainly have learned of a few new places to look for fabrics.