In less than one year we already have a group of wonderful ladies some who are expert sewers and a couple beginners. We meet once a month at my local Joann's. So, to finish up our first year we decided to do a community service project ... sewn toys that can be donated to a homeless shelter or hospital. The guild is known for giving back to their communities.
And, since a big portion of my career was designing and making prototypes for the toy industry, I thought I would design two toys specially for our group.

You can see we have a bit of finishing work to do. That is going to be the activity for our first meeting in the fall.
I thought I would share my patterning process for the dog today.
this dog had 8 pattern pieces which ended up with 17 cut pieces. Too complicated!
So, I was able to reduce it to 3 pattern pieces which resulted in 8 cut pieces.
Since I have FOREVER been trying to make myself a pair of pants that actually fit ... I happened to have an old pants muslin to cut up ... haha ... I reuse my muslin fabric as many times as possible.
But a good start!
Even though this is a brushed tricot, it is very stiff. You can see lots of wrinkles. We ended up using polar fleece for most of the toys. It is VERY stretchy which makes for a nice rounded puppy. Every fabric behaves differently. Even the finished size of each toy is different depending on how much give the fabric has. But! they are all cute.
I am wondering if people would be interested in this or the bear pattern? It would be fairly simple to trace onto computer paper and turn into a PDF. What do you think? $5 each????
Is this good idea??