Here are links to all the other parts of this story, if you missed them or want to read them again. Part #1, Part #2, Part #3, and Part #4 and here for my little update that has two short videos of Theresa actually beading.
Now, onto the wearing of said beaded gown.
Joe and I swung by the Savoy's concierge the evening before the event, just to make sure that we knew what form of transportation we should use to get there. I was praying for a taxi, but sadly found out that the whole city of Westminster was shut off to traffic so we would have to take the tube. Joe and I had much discussion about this, as I had to report to rehearsal a 4 pm and the event didn't start until 8 pm. We had thought about bringing our evening clothes to the hotel and changing, but as we hadn't heard from Alex, the bandleader whether that would work out, we opted to get into evening clothes and take the tube down there.
Alex Mendham and my husband Joe DiPietro. As you can see, I HAD to have a gown fancy enough to look like I belonged with these chaps.
I met Alex at a California Art Deco Society event several years ago. We found out we were both musicians, we ended up singing together at another Deco event and became fast friends. This is how I got this great opportunity.
Happy New Year everyone!
So, a little update on the gown.
We had to go to this fake New Years Eve party. It is annual, comes the weekend after New Years Eve. We weren't sure if we would attend, as I thought we might be too burnt out from our trip. I also thought I wouldn't wear the new beaded as it had suffered so much damage from the London New Year's Eve death march in the rain back to the hotel.
Before the party last night, I pulled it out of its bag and put it on the work table to see how bad the story was with the gown. To my amazement, it only had about 12 rows that were broken or in trouble. Also some hem that had been walked away by the death march.
It only took me about 20 minutes to get the thing shorn up for another wearing. A gown so heavy with beads is kind of like an expensive Italian sports car, needs a tuning up before taking it out on the road. As Joe says, "it's a Fiat, fix it again Theresa"
It was great to be with old friends and the gown was a wow! I think I got about five or six new dress orders from just wearing the gown. It feels great when you have created something so swell that folks want just a little piece of. I had really thought that after London I had killed the dress, but it seems as if it will see another party or performance. Didn't lose a bead last night. As our mother would say, I can now sit on my laurels.