It was giving to me on my tenth birthday, because my mother and her siblings decided to give my Grandmother her first new machine since she got married, a top of the line electric sewing machine for her 65th birthday. The store where they bought this new machine was only going to give them $10 to trade in for the treadle one, so my mother decided to pay the $10 and give it to ME!! So much better than any toy sewing machine.
There are quite a few websites that support the use of treadle machines. They offer tutorials for cleaning and lubricating old machines and sell parts. If you are interested, I think Treadle-On is the best. Click here to check it out.
I tried all the feet, made doll clothes, my clothes, costumes, curtains for my bedroom and presents for people.
If you've never seen one of these in action there are a few Youtube videos you can watch. This is the best, I think. It shows the correct placement for the feet is one foot forward and one foot back, not the feet side by side like another video I saw.